About Us
The Society for the Protection of Kalamalka Lake (SprKL) is a dedicated group of people from all walks of life who care about the quality of Kalamalka Lake in Coldstream, B.C.
The Society for the Protection of Kalamalka Lake (SPrKL) was founded by Christine Cookson in 2008. Christine had recently moved from Switzerland to Coldstream into a house along Kal Lake when she was moved to start a Society to protect this beautiful natural resource. In her native country of Switzerland, Christine had witnessed pollution in lakes similar to Kal Lake and wanted to be involved in a movement to keep the lake as healthy as possible.
SPrKL’s grassroot beginnings started with a loyal band of 5 ‘ Founding Members’, these were: Christine Cookson, Sabine Petit, Janice Morgan, Maria Besso, and Louise Christie. The certificate of Incorporation under the BC Societies Act, File Number: S-53871 was received June 27th, 2008. The Executive and has now grown to include 11-12 directors, over 120 single or family members, 6 corporate members (other societies) and over 195 Facebook members. We are also Incorporated Federally as a charity and have a Charitable organization status - and all our financial information is public on the Federal Charities site http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/
Thank You
We thank our past directors including but not limited to: Christine Cookson, Sabine Petit, Janice Morgan, Maria Besso, and Louise Christie, Trina Koch, Florence Ryan, Kelly Marshall, Dave Facey, Leslie Uligh, Jennifer Sigalet, Kevin O’Brien, Michelle Mitchell, Bernice Nakashima, Fiona Tischik, Kaitlyn Richards, Leila Ward, Marv Machura, and Cuyler Page. We gratefully acknowledge and thank them and all our loyal volunteers that have donated thousands of hours to make the organization effective in its cause. We also want to especially thank our summer students, Amanda Shelly, Erin Crockett, Sinead Murphy, and Maureen, and student volunteers; Olek Splawinski, Sara, Lindsay, and Kate Marshall, Elizabeth and Patrick Ockert, and Jade Freeman.
Join Us!
Consider joining our cause!
We are a casual bunch and enjoy the time we spend together whether its cleaning up creeks, planting shrubs or manning a booth. We have a couple of wine and cheese events for our members every year and encourage people to get out and have some fun while they’re supporting a good cause.
On Facebook?
Our Facebook Group now has over 400 Members! Join us!